Monday, October 10, 2011

Colorado's Geography

Colorado has a Longitude of 102°W to 109°W and a Latitude of 37°N to 41°N. Colorado is 380 miles long and 280 miles wide. The geographic center of Colorado is located in Park County, 30 miles NW of Pike's Peak. Colorado is bordered by Wyoming and Nebraska on the North. And to the South is New Mexico and Oklahoma. The East side is bordered by Nebraska and Kansas and to the West by Utah. Thus, making Colorado a landlocked state. The Southwest corner meets Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. This spot is best known as the Four Corners..
Colorado covers 104,100 square miles of terrain making it the 8th largest state of our 50 states. It only has 371 square miles of area covered by land and 103,730 square miles of land. The highest point in Colorado, and in the Rocky Mountains, is Mt. Elbert at 14,440 feet above sea level. Colorado is home to more mountains 14,000 feet or higher then any over state. It is home to the Colorado River, the Rio Grande, the Arkansas River, and South Platte River. It is also home to the Grand Lake, Blue Mesa Reservoir, and John Martin Reservoir.
Colorado River...

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